Okay this is the third post about the City Museum in St Louis. I hope you aren'y getting tired of these posts, because I have one more to do after this. Saving my favorite part for last. Remember that the roof area on the ten-story building was closed for the season when I took these pics. Not that I'm complaining, but that would have meant another post. Okay, last time we were upstairs. Let's go back down to the lobby and through the door to the outside play area. You can see the cool rails ad some more of the mosaiced lobby. There are live fish in the tank, but it's hard to see them through the rails. Go around to the right side of the pool.
Okay, you made it to the outdoor area. This area is made entirely from parts of buildings, factories, planes, trains and automobiles, ships, schools and any other structure or transport vehicle that was being discarded.
This tree is the focal point when you come out. Every scale on it is cut from copper os some other metal. See the dragon they hid on the branch? The boy on the right is my grandson Jay. He was coming down from one of the upper walk-ways, and exited through the tree. I was standing up on a platform at the time, on the second story.
Yes, that's a real plane suspended up there. You can get in it and sit down, or just look out the windows if you dare. There are walkways built up there, but you still have to either climb the spiral stairway, or climb through that hamster tunnel-like thing you see up on the right side. Over on the extreme left, is another plane, and the top of the castle.
That tangled looking mess of metal is actually a tunnel that comes out from a building built above the ground. You have to climb up the tunnel to get to some of the walkways, or you can enter the walkways from stairways. The big walkway you see is about six stories up in the air.
There's a cage that can only be accessed from a hole in the roof of the building that is built at about the fourth floor. There's a large metal floor and a patio area below that roof.
This is the side of the treehouse, not the best example, but you can see the copper scales on the tree's branches in this photo. There are tables and chairs to sit on inside the treehouse, and several openings that lead you out through wire tunnels.
This walkway is right against the building, for those who can't handle the open sided walkways. Again, stressing the use of recycled materials, this fencing was made from old electrical components and reclaimed metal.
Standing on a walkway that leads to the castle, and about thirty feet high, this photo That I took of the ball pit makes the balls look like the ones you see at any kid's play area. They are all playground balls, at least 12' wide, and some 3 " wide. That ball pit is HUGE. If you look real hard, you can see kids in there, but this pic was re-sized, so don't strain your eyes. The tree below me was full-grown.
Okay, this is the castle. Doesn't look like much, really, but I'm still on the walkway about 30 feet high, and zooming in to get the top part. By the time you climb up on the roof of this, you are on 6th floor level. Looking down at the hard pavement of the parking lot below you. Then you can choose to climb up through the mesh the the southernmost plane, and go from that to the next one, all in a tunnel made of rebar. Not me, thanks. I have this problem trusting man-made structures. Trees, I'll climb. Mountains, I'll rappel down. But man-made? Hmmm
This pic hides the mesh tunnel that leads from one plane to the other, but you can see the walkway and spiral stairs that also lead into the planes for the people who aren't hamster-like. Look on the right side about half-way up. See the tunnel that the kids are climbing through? This outside area has several of those. All high. All see-through. Remember, I'm about 30 feet up on a narrow walkway. It has railings.
That kid in the spiral staircase on the left side, with the black jacket, is my son. He disappeared into a plane, and I met up with him later on the far side.
This is about as high up as you can get on the north side of the play area. I guess that dome came from an old church or something.
This is looking out from the dome in the last pic. This is looking from the north.
Here's an escape hole you can go through, if you fit. Couldn't get through it with my camera, and kids' jackets. I became a pack horse once it warmed up.
This hangs over the employee parking lot.
I felt kind of sad for this little kid. It was hidden up amongst a bunch of suspension cables, between walkways and tunnels. It's like he/she was looking down at all the other kids having fun.
Just a couple more photos.
I like the old metal tables welded together. It looks like the kids are able to climb on them, but they can't. They are outside the tunnels, and can't be reached. The red thing is an entrance to a slide. I think it came off a ship.
And that's it for now. Next time, I'll take you to my favorite area in this place. Please be patient. Just one more post. I promise. I took a LOT more photos that I'm showing you, believe me.
Wow.... I'm waiting for the new post...